My muse <3 female solo travelers!

Face it… traveling on adventures takes a lot of confidence. It involves integrity wrapped up with humility. I appreciate and respect all solo travelers, but the female gender is faced with additional challenges.

No complaints, but it is what it is. As I’ve mentioned, I work for the airlines. Every time I’m asked about future travel plans I respond on the side of caution based on who I’m talking to.

The standard response from a few of the guys I work with is based on fear. I don’t live my life based on fear. When I was going to Virgin Islands a male friend was trying to put the fear of God in me with the Zika.

My response to him,” I’ll take it under advisement and be cautious, however, I will not stop living based on what could happen.” When I get out to the end of my life I don’t want to play the “I woulda coulda shoulda.”


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